This template is primarily meant to be used as a website for an AI/SaaS App. However, if you like the layout you can use it as a base and customize it to suit any other industry as well. The template has a Log In page which is to be used as a placeholder. The Log In / Sign Up buttons are meant to be linked to your app's Login / Signup pages.
Framework/Naming Conventions
This template uses Finsweet's Client-First Framework. Following a framework makes it easier to edit/add sections across pages easily. I suggest going through this Quick Guide in order to better understand the structure of the framework.
I've used components wherever possible in order to make editing easier. Any changes made to one component will reflect on every instance of that component. If you want 1 specific component (like a button) to be different from the rest, make sure you unlink that instance and then make edits. You can learn more about components here.
Pricing Page Marquee
When editing testimonials on the marquee, edit all instances of Testimonial Card within Testimonial Wrap . Then copy and paste Testimonial Wrap. This ensures that the marquee loops.
In certain cases, embeds have been used for icons instead of images. This gives control over the color of the element. To change the color of any icon within an embed, simply change the text color of the element.